Saturday, December 11, 2010

I am infinitely constant.
Constantly running, constantly hiding,
Forever playing Cat and Mouse.

This Void that haunts me won't let me go.
It's cruel, teasing me with glimpses of happiness
Just to envelop me once again in its selfish hands of misery.

I escape time to time, but somehow it always finds me-
Snatches me back up and leaves me locked up in my own pool of agony.
It wont die, killing it is a most difficult feat.

It's getting stronger, I can feel it growing.
All the while, my will to resist fades.
The temptation to give in is like fire in my heart.

Oh this Void, it's capable of mercy;
giving me endless ways to choose which way to go.
It gives me a gentle shove, whispering poison to my ears.

Which way to go?
This Void has been generous.
Which way to choose?

The knives, they glisten, calling out to caress my skin.
The water, my dearest water, wishes to forever fill my lungs.
The gun, how it yearns to be held, to be used.

Do not be mistaken by this Void's fictitious kindness.
Don't loose to his game. Not yet.
Run. Hide. Again. Repeat the cycle.

I am infinitely constant.
Constantly running, constantly hiding,
Forever playing Cat and Mouse.