Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am not sad. I am not in sorrow. Nor am I lazy, or mad, or frustrated. It is more than that. I do not want to claim what I am, though I know. I do not want to sound like an attention whoring apparently "depressed" artistic individual who is ungrateful for everything he or she has. I do not want to be like all the other teenagers who have access to the internet, for that is what most of them claim to be. I am not at all trying to sound high above  my peers, I am just merely stating the facts and observations. Of course there are actual people who really are so. The surplus of social networking sites such as tumblr, FB, and twitter have lead to a rise in throwing around emotions such as love and the ever popular , depression. The statements of wanting to commit suicide is another topic that has also been at a rise. It is a shame. With these "confession" typed out for peers to see, it is hard to weed out now who actually really needs help. Everyone's depressed nowadays, so why should anyone be an exception?

Yes, I write questionable things of those themes on here, but nobody in my life knows about it. Maybe one or two people do, but other than that, this is just for me. I do not have my whole school following me on here, reading all that I put down. I do not write on here just to let people "feel bad" for me. No. I write here solely for my own sake. It is my outlet to slightly ease the pain of everyday bearings. I really am grateful, and I am aware of how blessed I am. But something in my head just didnt add up quite right.There are things about me. Things in my head. Things that wouldnt be accepted. Things I have not told anyone about. I know what I am. There is no need to tell people, who would understand?