Sunday, February 27, 2011

Buddy Holly

That'll Be the Day


True Love Ways


The Way You Look Tonight- Frank Sinatra

Feeling Good- Eunice Waymon aka Nina Simone

Summertime- Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

I was born during the wrong generation.


Im madly in love with these
I have so many ideas. My head is brimming full with them, I just have no idea how to put them down. Can't put them into action. And that's the part that counts the most. Frustrated beyond the heavens.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Are you aware of the events fluctuating all around? The crumbling of the old, and the beginning of the new? The rise and the fall of the lives we are surrounded by? The history that is being written within our minds at this very day, this very hour? The choices that we make, rippling and changing each of our paths as every minute passes? The miraculous breaths we take as the seconds come and go? Are you aware? Are you aware at all?

Do you even realize how we are all threaded together, someway, somehow, even if it is in the most infinitesimal way? How faith and our choices are so delicately balanced; chaos and accord, life and death? How we only have one chance to either fuck everything up or do something worthwhile during this grueling road called life? Do you realize?

These words may have been repeated, misused, worn down to the very best cliches that society knows, but have you ever taken the time to actually …think? Process it? Understand? The life we live is our only one. We only get one chance. One. Unless of course by some rare miraculous circumstances we are given another.

Where am I going with this? You choose. Your choice. Just keep in mind how ultimately beautiful this world including the people in it are. Take a look at the protests, the revolutions, the changes happening. Be a part of it any way possible. Don’t lose hope in mankind. Our very existence, is nothing short of a miracle. So cherish this. Or youll be swept away in the days, the months, the years of wasted time.

Monday, February 7, 2011

     It's getting ahold of me again. That sick feeling. The ugly one that makes me think things I shouldn't think. I'm desperate for help. The constant thoughts. The constant crying. The constant extreme ups and downs. It is fatiguing to always try  and pick myself up every time. Maybe my problem is that when I'm happy, I let myself enjoy it too much. When I'm happy I think myself invincible, so confident in everything, but in reality I am not. The poison that lingers within my head always return, seemingly stronger every time. It kills that facade of mine with so much ease, so swiftly. I can never escape it. The monster keeps me imprisoned within my own mind. Trapped forever in this dark chasm.
     This monster also prohibits me from trusting. I can't trust anybody. Even the ones that have shown me that I can.  No matter how hard I try there is always doubt. Always second guessing. I want to trust, more than anything. Especially him. But I can't. I just can't. Not fully, like I wish I could, anyways.
     My head, I don't know how much longer it can stay working. Sooner or later, the monster will take over to the point where it won't be me anymore.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


By Feist and Ben Gibbard from Deathcab for Cutie

I wish I were in these places right now.