Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Do you remember those summer days, those summer nights? When you came over in those hours of quiet stillness- where early mornings and late nights mingled with each other? When your touch was something I expected to be a daily routine?  When, we made love here...and there? 

Do you remember those summer days, those summer nights? When you came over just so I can close my eyes, if not just for awhile? When just being in your arms was the greatest comfort that I sought? When your voice was my very own sweet lullaby?

Do you remember those summer days, those summer nights? When we let each other in- our gilded walls finally starting to erode, brick by brick, crumbling down? When we just talked about everything, all of it, even the nothings? When I knew that it was truer than true, that in fact I was really actually in love with you?

I remember them,
As I shall, eternally.
I will keep these memories, our memories, safe.
And every so often I will take them out of their hidden shelter and expose them;
Indulge myself in it's  loveliness.
I will keep on taking them out until my last breath, until it is worn out;
Till I've replayed every single moment so much that it will be like a dream.
My only dream that doesnt seem to be a nightmare.
I remember them.
As I shall, infinitely.
