Tuesday, January 4, 2011

   I feel as if turning a new leaf has been long overdue for me. There isnt a lot that I like about myself. So is that not what New Year's is for? To begin anew? Its an excuse, a false hope, I suppose. Why should New Years be a specific time to make a promise that we will modify our lives somehow? Should we not strive to do that everyday? I don't know. But we all know that most of us end up falling short on those resolutions anyways.
   So this change, this revision of mine will not be a "New Year's Resolution." That is too fickle of a promise to myself. It is going to be an everyday strive. Undoubtedly, it will be a strenuous conquest  and I expect some falls and stumbles every now and then. But I'll take baby steps. Little actions at first. Then day by day. Week by week. Month by month. So on and so forth.
    I will change and I will  grow and I will make mistakes and I will win some fights and I will lose some. I will cry, laugh, scream, be silent, hate, love. I will show emotions, I will show stone. I will be smart but I will have stupid fun. The  process does not take merely a year, it takes an entire existence. An existence called Life. Something called living. I will be alive.