Saturday, December 4, 2010

Broken Horses

By Freelance Whales

    Belonging. That's what we all want, whether you are aware of it or not. To be human, is to feel that yearning of having a place; A place where one can just be. Some people may find it in others, some in places, and some even in the higher heavens above. That desire to belong is so unbelievably unyielding that we even made relating branches of that feeling. Love, happiness, all those feelings that we humans strive to find is all generally under that one category. 
     I myself have yet to feel that sense of belonging. Where I am right now, it's just not good for me. My soul pines for a bountiful more than what this hopeless town can give me. I do not belong here. I feel trapped. I cannot reach my full potential here. I am so limited. Limited by the location, the activities, the opportunities, the chances, the diversity. By diversity I do not mean just ethnically or culturally. What I want is the diversity of people... intellectually. Everyday I am tired of being surrounded by this mass of people who can't think for themselves. Who are so afraid of being different that they choose to go along with what they don't believe in or fully understand. I can't stand it. They are so trivial. Conformity kills. The popular society will be the death of this world. I don't mean to sound high and mighty, because that is not the case at all. I just wish that people would actually take the time to simply...think; as well as imagine what life is like in other perspectives. 
     I know many people are capable of it, including the residents of this forlorn town. There are so many good people here, just with bad influence, lack of open mindedness and awareness. It is a feat, to try and be able to have people understand past the superficial surfaces. Sometimes I end up wondering to myself that maybe it's  my fault. That I  drive my own self to the point where I can't take people anymore. Do I set my standards to high? Why can't I be normal and actually like to drink and party and do "normal" teenage things and think "normal" things? What's wrong with me? But then... I realize, how lucky I am to be have the capability to see like how I see. I have seen and experienced things in life that have shaped me to how I am and I shouldn't be ashamed of it. This is me.
    Fortunately, I am not entirely alone. There are those few that I have hope in finding the treasure that we all equally seek in. Those I can share my whole self with, who see life more than just the average teen does. This is for those misfits, the social outcasts, the rare jewels in a sea of fool's golds, for those who feel like they have no place. To the quiet ones, to the hidden geniuses, for those who can delve deeper. To those who are not afraid of the mass majority's cruel opinions. This is for you and as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds... A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself ..."
