Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You left without saying goodbye. It's not your fault. You didn't want to leave. But here we are, on the opposite sides of this world. It's only been about 2 or 3 months and I haven't seen you, you haven't seen me. 7 more to go. Seven? It feels like its been ions already. It's hard missing you everyday even though we try to talk to each other as much as we can. Text, twitter, facebook, here. But I prefer calling you; every night between the hours of 1-5 in the early mornings-those hours, well,  they're always the best part of my day. And saying goodbye to you at the end of each call is the worst . As tough as it is every now and then, I know we're worth it. People fill my head with doubts and reality on a daily basis, but I know they wouldn't understand. That's how lucky we are. Look at us. We've found what some people search for all their lives. Fuck all the stereotypes about being too young and long distance relationships, what do they know anyways? Yes, it's a hard grueling road that we're taking, but going a different way would be death itself. This is real. All of it. Let's take this challenge head on, day by day. Let's enjoy each other in every aspect that we can, as little as that may be. Let's prove them wrong. I don't know what's going to happen to us and how we will end up . But whether may it be a "happily ever after" or a memory that we'll just look back on, I know that I love you and I cant imagine my life with anybody else. You are my world, my moon, my stars, my everything. I can't wait till the day that I finally get to see you again and shower you with my built up affection. So thank you, for giving me the greatest gift that we humans can ask for. Thank you for letting me miss you. Thank you for trusting me, and letting me trust you back.
