Saturday, July 31, 2010

I dont hate alot

But i do truly despise guys who party it up. Seriously, what kinda guy do you think youre gonna get in a relationship when the first time you met was from a drunk hookup? Ok maybe some of those guys are gems, but come on now, lets be realistic here.

Everywhere I go I swear all I see is shots here, drinks there, blunt hither, drugs yonder. What is so great about all of these substances? Oh don't tell me, it must be the terrible hangover after right? Or maybe the rush from doing exuberantly mindless actions that you don't even fully remember the next day?! Oh my sounds great huh? Hint the sarcasm for all of you unaware.

 Now before you go on saying "oh well you've never tried it!" or the ever popular "it makes me forget everything so I can just chill!" Let me tell you this I have tried, and I don't see the point of them. There are other countless perfectly healthier ways to let loose and have fun. And yet people choose the one where they obtain majorly unattractive beer bellies, have no recollections of their adventures the evening before (which to me sounds pretty pointless), and where they shoot out their insides and have horrendous migraines.

Sadly a majority of my friends enjoy surrounding themselves with things such as these, so I can see their  thoughtless dim witted actions. I admit, its entertaining as hell to watch, but dear lord I cannot stress ENOUGH how moronic they look aha.

I took my time to actually ask a handful of them why they do it, and their answer? They don't even really know, just cause, and also because everyone else is doing it. tsk tsk, dont give in to peer pressure people. Please do not conform to the rest of society, I beg of you!

This is all entirely my opinions and ramblings so don't get offended if youre like one of those people.

Happy Trails,