Friday, December 24, 2010

Why do I make everybody that I care about lose their love for me? I repel people. Might as well be a nun. I know God will always be there.
You know you dont have anybody, when the characters in a book feel more like your friends than your actual friends do.

Friday, December 17, 2010

You Don't Know Me

Ben Folds ft. Regina Spektor

Ben Folds, another brilliant musician. Put them together? Oh God, have mercy on us.


Regina Spektor

Her music saves me, I swear I don't get this feeling by any other musician with the sole of exception of her. 
She's genius. Her voice, incomparable. Her lyrics? Impeccable. Her talent is clearly obvious. Just listening to her voice is one thing but when you actually pay attention to her lyrics, its a new level of euphoria. Anybody can relate to her songs, there's so many interpretations that could be used. A true poet. Gosh, she is brilliant beyond belief. I cant even. Ugh. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

This hurts.
Where do I even begin.
For the first time, I find no comfort in writing out the words.
This is pointless.

December 31st

"You always hurt the one you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all.You always take the sweetest rose and crush it till the petals fall.You always break the kindest heart with a hasty word you can't recall. So If I broke your heart last night,

It's because I love you most of all."


Feelings rooted thick beneath, now plunging into Doubt's teeth.
Every fall and every hurdle makes even Fear's blood curdle.
Stuck in No Man's Land where we are here left to stand,
Left in the hands of Uncertainty. Demising Hope,ceasing its growth, leaving it runty.
Jealousy impales us with its poison whisper, its claws dug in Reason-mind burnt like a crisper.
Flailing helplessly around the Abyss. Face the facts, have we really come to this?

All seems hopeless
Are we to believe we are blameless?
No excuses.
We left each other with bruises.

But yet ... we remain unconquered
For our Love endures... unequivocally anchored.


I will, You will

*Click the pictures to enlarge

Things That I Fear The Most

  1. The Void
  2. Faded or unrequited love
  3. Living an average life
  4. Broken promises 
  5. Disappointing others
  6. The Dark
  7. Being lied to
  8. Feeling insignificant
  9. Feeling helpless
  10. Emptiness
  11. Lack of creativity
  12. Falling short
  13. Sad endings
  14. Goodbyes
  15. Bad spirits/ Religion/Afterlife
  16. Getting yelled at
  17. Heights
  18. Nature's Wrath
  19. Spiders
  20. Cancers, STDs and other diseases, etc.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ima sucker for movies like these. Sucha silly little girl

Robert Pattinson, I hail you and your acting. Please quit Twilight, youre so much better than that.
Ryan Gosling, you will forever have my heart.
I haven't seen Blue Valentine yet but if it's like anything like Remember Me or The Notebook, which I'm sure it'll be, then it shall go into my favorites section also.
These arent the sappy, corny romantic comedies that I loathe. Nor are they the big sellout kind like Dear John or the Last Song, which did not do the books justice at all.
They actually have meaning, with an applaud deserving written script, top notch acting and beautiful directing.
If I were a film maker, these are one of the kinds of movies Id make.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I am infinitely constant.
Constantly running, constantly hiding,
Forever playing Cat and Mouse.

This Void that haunts me won't let me go.
It's cruel, teasing me with glimpses of happiness
Just to envelop me once again in its selfish hands of misery.

I escape time to time, but somehow it always finds me-
Snatches me back up and leaves me locked up in my own pool of agony.
It wont die, killing it is a most difficult feat.

It's getting stronger, I can feel it growing.
All the while, my will to resist fades.
The temptation to give in is like fire in my heart.

Oh this Void, it's capable of mercy;
giving me endless ways to choose which way to go.
It gives me a gentle shove, whispering poison to my ears.

Which way to go?
This Void has been generous.
Which way to choose?

The knives, they glisten, calling out to caress my skin.
The water, my dearest water, wishes to forever fill my lungs.
The gun, how it yearns to be held, to be used.

Do not be mistaken by this Void's fictitious kindness.
Don't loose to his game. Not yet.
Run. Hide. Again. Repeat the cycle.

I am infinitely constant.
Constantly running, constantly hiding,
Forever playing Cat and Mouse.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Till the Sky

No More.


Two Door Cinema Club

Something Good Can Work (original)
Beautiful cinematography and of course, divine music.

I'm Still an Animal

Animal- Miike Snow
Yes, its Miike with 2 I's


Broken Horses

By Freelance Whales

    Belonging. That's what we all want, whether you are aware of it or not. To be human, is to feel that yearning of having a place; A place where one can just be. Some people may find it in others, some in places, and some even in the higher heavens above. That desire to belong is so unbelievably unyielding that we even made relating branches of that feeling. Love, happiness, all those feelings that we humans strive to find is all generally under that one category. 
     I myself have yet to feel that sense of belonging. Where I am right now, it's just not good for me. My soul pines for a bountiful more than what this hopeless town can give me. I do not belong here. I feel trapped. I cannot reach my full potential here. I am so limited. Limited by the location, the activities, the opportunities, the chances, the diversity. By diversity I do not mean just ethnically or culturally. What I want is the diversity of people... intellectually. Everyday I am tired of being surrounded by this mass of people who can't think for themselves. Who are so afraid of being different that they choose to go along with what they don't believe in or fully understand. I can't stand it. They are so trivial. Conformity kills. The popular society will be the death of this world. I don't mean to sound high and mighty, because that is not the case at all. I just wish that people would actually take the time to simply...think; as well as imagine what life is like in other perspectives. 
     I know many people are capable of it, including the residents of this forlorn town. There are so many good people here, just with bad influence, lack of open mindedness and awareness. It is a feat, to try and be able to have people understand past the superficial surfaces. Sometimes I end up wondering to myself that maybe it's  my fault. That I  drive my own self to the point where I can't take people anymore. Do I set my standards to high? Why can't I be normal and actually like to drink and party and do "normal" teenage things and think "normal" things? What's wrong with me? But then... I realize, how lucky I am to be have the capability to see like how I see. I have seen and experienced things in life that have shaped me to how I am and I shouldn't be ashamed of it. This is me.
    Fortunately, I am not entirely alone. There are those few that I have hope in finding the treasure that we all equally seek in. Those I can share my whole self with, who see life more than just the average teen does. This is for those misfits, the social outcasts, the rare jewels in a sea of fool's golds, for those who feel like they have no place. To the quiet ones, to the hidden geniuses, for those who can delve deeper. To those who are not afraid of the mass majority's cruel opinions. This is for you and as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds... A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself ..."
